A 25-member all-star team comprised of 18 adults and 7 teens worked on two fronts during their two weeks in Trujillo. They hailed from 5 states, 6 cities, and represented 8 different churches. While the medical brigade conducted 4 rural health clinics serving 333 patients, another group of team members continued construction on the new Outdoor Therapy Center (OTC) at the Family Development Center. The construction team dug trenches, helped move water and sewer lines to accommodate the new access ramp to the treehouse being built high in two large mango trees, and built two new concrete control boxes. Other team members cut 40 feet of angle iron and drilled holes in support braces for the tree house platform.
Other trip highlights included a 70-person beach party including a rousing soccer match, a delicious hot dog dinner, and a moving devotional led by our newest Honduran staff member, Olman, who serves as the mission’s outreach minister. Team members taught two Ladies Bible classes, two Bible Hour classes aimed at sharing Jesus with over 100 neighborhood children, the children’s Bible classes at a village church, and assisted the teachers provide life-changing physical therapy on our youngest children. We served chop suey and tortillas to more than 90 church members and neighborhood children after morning worship atMisióndel Caribe. A special devotional was held one evening on the patio of the Good Samaritan Mission House where Melvin (Mayra’s husband) gave his moving testimony of his transformation from his old life of drinking and irresponsibility to his new life in Christ where he now guides his family, teaches Bible classes at a local school, and preaches for a barrio congregation.
The team enjoyed it’s time in Trujillo and a couple extra days of rest and relaxation in Roatán on the return trip to the U.S. More future teams will be routed to Trujillo through the Roatán point of entry airport instead of the more dangerous area of San Pedro Sula. Everyone was grateful for the relaxing time to de-brief and the island culture. The next scheduled medical brigade will go to Trujillo in the summer of 2020 so those interested in going, should contact Dr. Amber Figueroa, LHBHMedical Director (anfigueroa22@gmail.com), to express your desire to participate. The team expressed their appreciation to the ministry’s leaders, Maybelline and Norbentina, and the entire dedicated staff of MCCG for a life-changing mission experience.
Submitted by Mark and Brenda Young, GIC